The list of products ranges from Armagh Bramley Apples to Welsh Whisky and protects food exporters from counterfeit products. Protected products already include numerous household names in the UK, including Cornish Clotted Cream, Cornish Pasties, Melton Mowbray Pork Pie, Welsh Beef, and English Wine.
UK exports of food and drink to Japan in 2023 totalled £367 million, just over half of which were accounted for by whisky. Japan is the world’s fourth-largest economy and the largest member of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), of which UK membership was ratified by most member countries last year.
The agreement also gives similar protection to 39 Japanese products in the UK.
Geographical Indications – a Definition:
More information, including the list of protected products, can be found here: New protections for British food and drink in Japan - GOV.UK
If you are interested in exploring this topic further, you might find it worthwhile to consider the training courses and live clinics offered by Strong & Herd LLP:
Focus on Food: Export Procedures
This course has been created to meet the growing demand for specialist training in export processes that apply to food and drink products. It explains the regulatory bodies involved, what they do and what they need from a food/drink exporter. It will help you understand labelling and registration of products and where to obtain further information.
Focus on Food: Import Procedures
Importing food, drink, plant health products, POAO and composite goods into the UK requires an awareness of the phytosanitary and pre-registration requirements. This half-day session will focus on what a trader needs to know to bring goods through customs, port health and meet other government department regulations, e.g., DEFRA. It will also demonstrate the pre-notification process on IPAFFS.
Focus On: IPAFFS
IPAFFS (Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed Systems) is a web-based service for applying for Common Health Entry Documents (CHEDs) for imports into the UK. Applicable to live animals, POAO, HRFNAO and composite goods, understanding how to use this system is vital for many business sectors. Join us in reviewing how to access IPAFFS, complete an IPAFFS notification and process the import.
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