The training has been developed in collaboration with leading industry experts and HMRC have been involved in approving the content.
A secure online portal gives access to bite-sized modules from any device. Choose a 5-hour fully digital option, or a 3-hour part-digital option combined with one of our classroom options
The 11 modules cover: Introduction to trade, Business Responsibilities, a review of the export and import process regarding customs declarations, a brief overview of valuation and use of commodity codes and customs procedure codes. It also introduces complex areas such as export and import licensing controls, use of duty relief schemes, rules of origin and customs simplified procedures. Students will be asked to complete a final Assessment Module, 12 questions with a pass mark of 80% to show that the learning has been understood.
Other e-learning courses are in development so in the meantime, please take a look at the virtual learning training courses in our Virtual Classroom section.
Full Agenda details for the Customs declaration Awareness can be access here
Practical and relevant export training and import training which aims to enhance the export and import performance and customs compliance levels of businesses.
Our practical and relevant export training and import training aims to enhance the export procedures and import compliance levels of businesses.
Interactive, concentrated sessions which serve to assess knowledge and confirm basic understanding of import and export disciplines.
Strong & Herd LLP