However, authorisation will need to be piloted to evaluate working practice feasibility, both for the trader’s operational competency and for biosecurity risks. The governments’ aim is for this to be a Great Britain-wide scheme. Likewise, should the pilot demonstrate non-feasibility, a decision may be made for AOS not to proceed.
Responsibility for performing physical import checks will be delegated to private operators who meet the eligibility criteria. The criteria will include:
The Animal and Plant Health Agency and SASA (Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture), will be responsible for auditing Authorised Operators. Any training will be tailored to the goods the Authorised Operator actively imports, and competence will be determined through a formal ‘sign-off’ procedure by the Animal and Plant Health Agency/SASA. Regular refresher training for Authorised Operators will be incorporated in the requirement.
Although there will be costs associated with required training and the audit aspects of the scheme, Authorised Operator Status brings the potential for a range of benefits to be realised, subject to a successful pilot. Namely:
Summary of the Authorised Operator Status (AOS) scheme for the import of Plants and Plant Products
The eligibility criteria will include being:
Conflict of Interest
The UK authorities consider that there should be no reason why a private business cannot be trained and trusted to carry out reliable import checks in the same manner that a public body does. What will be key is the management of any conflict of interest between biosecurity and trade that businesses may face in relation to the Authorised Operator Status.
The Authorised Operator and Responsible Person would be required to sign a code of ethics to be updated on an annual basis, together with the potential use of visible indicators, such as approved compliance logos by the business, as an indicator of compliance.
Businesses will draft plans for managing any conflicts of interest internally, with clear procedures through which the Authorised Person can report a pest to Animal and Plant Health Agency/SASA.
Any non-conformity with the scheme requirements will trigger corrective action by the Authorised Person/Operator. Any critical non-conformities would lead to withdrawal of the authorisation.
A range of softer enforcement measures (advice / guidance / letters), as well as stronger civil and criminal sanctions, are being considered, these depending on the severity of the non-compliance.
Compliance measures will be geared towards those who, as examples:
This will link up with the 2025 Border Strategy and the move towards responsive regulation, allowing for differentiated (responsive) enforcement, based on the profile and behaviour of the business in question.
Pilot Design and Timelines
The authorities will carefully consider the results of the pilot before the rollout of Authorised Operator Status.
Wood and wood products, seed, potatoes (seed and ware), and grains, are not included in the pilot scope. All other plants and plant products are included.
Review of risk categorisation on fruit and vegetables from the EU will be delayed to enable alignment with the pilots, unless there is an increased risk to biosecurity.
The Authorised Operator Status will be piloted in two stages.
There will be an application process for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the pilot. It is anticipated that this will involve a form of selection process to ensure a range of sectors and businesses are covered. Therefore, when the authorities notify that the EOI application process is live, it would be advisable to apply, should you wish your business sector to be represented.
Note that in order to pilot the system as fully and accurately as possible, those businesses chosen for the pilot will need to have a Designated Control Point.
There will be no specific AOS fees and charges associated with the pilot, however, statutory fees will still be required to the inspectorate for their role in the physical and ID inspection of imported goods during the pilot. These inspection fees will, during the pilot, remain as per current inspection fees in each country.
For full AOS rollout, businesses who wish to gain Authorised Operator Status can initiate their application for Control Point designation immediately to mid-2024. This will enable businesses to bridge the gap between Border Control Posts going live, and full access to the Authorised Operator Scheme. Once Control Point designation has been granted, Animal and Plant Health Agency/SASA would be able to carry out import checks at the business’ Control Point premises.
Interactions With Other Assurance Schemes
AOS is focused on enabling AOs to carry out authorised checks on physical, and identity checks on imported plants and plant products. This is distinct, but complementary in delivering efficiencies and benefits for businesses that are already part of other plant health assurance schemes.
Traders will be required to work to the same import procedures as the competent authority (APHA / SASA).
Enforcement and Penalties for Non-Compliance
The APHA/SASA already have the enforcement powers under OCR to withdraw or suspend delegated tasks, and a formal process is being designed to apply during AOS testing and piloting. AOS auditing activities will provide an effective tool to manage the risk adequately.
If you are interested in exploring this topic further, you might find it worthwhile to consider the training courses and live clinics offered by Strong & Herd LLP:
Focus on Food: Import Procedures
Importing food, drink, plant health products, POAO and composite goods into the UK requires an awareness of the phytosanitary and pre-registration requirements. This half-day session will focus on what a trader needs to know to bring goods through customs, port health and meet other government department regulations, e.g., DEFRA. It will also demonstrate the pre-notification process on IPAFFS.
Focus on Food: Export Procedures
This course has been created to meet the growing demand for specialist training in export processes that apply to food and drink products. It explains the regulatory bodies involved, what they do and what they need from a food/drink exporter. It will help you understand labelling and registration of products and where to obtain further information.
Focus On: IPAFFS
IPAFFS (Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed Systems) is a web-based service for applying for Common Health Entry Documents (CHEDs) for imports into the UK. Applicable to live animals, POAO, HRFNAO and composite goods, understanding how to use this system is vital for many business sectors. Join us in reviewing how to access IPAFFS, complete an IPAFFS notification and process the import.
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