We previously brought to your attention that HMRC allowed Authorised Consignors only to declare Transit MRNs (Movement Reference Numbers) against the GMR (Goods Movement Reference).
This guidance has been updated Wednesday, 1st August 2023, and only a small and limited number of carriers and exporters will be permitted to do so. Please read further guidance that has been issued.
Changes to the requirements for providing information on GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) in relation to the Transit Accompanying Document Movement Reference Number (TAD MRN) came into effect on 1st August 2023.
All the DUCR (declaration unique consignment reference) numbers that may be covered under the TAD MRN must be included on the GMR (Goods Movement Record). This will ensure that consignments are presented correctly for customs processing. Any Authorised Consignors who rely on the hauliers they use to raise the GMR need to be aware of these changes.
If you are an Authorised Consignor who holds one of the following authorisations and are moving the goods according to those authorisations, you can still use the TAD MRN. This is because the additional processes confirm that all the goods have been presented correctly for customs processing.
If you need further guidance, contact HMRC Transit Policy transitpolicymailbox@hmrc.gov.uk, including “GVMS Input Requirements” in the subject line.
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