Free events from Strong and Herd LLP Export Development Services
It’s a tough old world out there. The situation is never the same for everyone, but for many, 2022 is turning out to be much more challenging than was being predicted even a few months ago. But for every obstacle there’s an opportunity and in exporting, the world is a big place and there’s always something new.
For 25 years, Strong and Herd have been assisting, guiding and informing British companies about export procedures. Now we want to help you to find more business. That’s why we now offer export development services. Specific training and information to help your company build a winning export strategy, identify new opportunities, and find your way to new successes.
We're offering a series of FREE Market Spotlight events, giving you the chance to take a look at some of the brightest opportunities worldwide. Book your free place now!
30 June – Australia; The Lucky Country
It’s the world’s 13th largest economy, and despite the geography, the UK has very close links with Australia. So how come it’s only the UK’s 23rd largest export market? More importantly, why is the UK only their 11th largest supplier of goods? Germany sells more to Australia than the UK does, and so does Italy. With a brand-new trade agreement passing through parliament, and the prospects of preferential trade through CPTPP, maybe it’s time to look again. Register Here
5 July – New Zealand; The Land of the Long White Cloud
It’s bigger than the UK but has a population similar to Ireland. A country transformed by innovation in industry and agriculture, it’s a land of lucrative opportunities for British exporters of quality and reputation. As the new trade agreement between the UK and New Zealand nears ratification, maybe it’s time to look afresh at this unique and rewarding market. Register Here
7 July – India; Country or continent?
One in six of the world’s population live in India. No country can match it for diversity or superlatives. And while it’s an export market that presents challenges, it also offers great rewards for those who can meet its growing and changing demands. With 22 recognised languages and no less than 41 cities that boast a population of a million or more, India is surely too big for any exporter to ignore? Register Here
Each of these free events will be delivered online and will commence at 1.30 pm, to run for 45 minutes
A world of new opportunities, from Strong & Herd LLP
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