As a result, you would not be able to submit declarations, or populate GMRs with CDS declaration references. These timings have now been updated as below:
You should submit your declarations and complete your GMR with any CDS MRNs/ DUCRs before 21:45 on 31/03/2022 to avoid any delays.
Please contact CDS Technical Support Team as usual if there are any queries via the following email address:
In addition, please see the below upcoming DERFA webinars, for your info:
Webinar meat and meat products
This webinar is designed to provide importing businesses based in Great Britain with a more in depth understanding of the process that needs to be followed to continue importing meat and meat products from the European Union. This session will take you through all the steps you need to complete from 1 July 2022. It will cover some steps EU exporters need to be aware of too.
This webinar is designed to provide importing businesses based in Great Britain with a more in depth understanding of the process that needs to be followed to continue importing animal by-products from the European Union. This session will take you through all the steps you need to complete from 1 July 2022. It will cover some steps EU exporters need to be aware of too.
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