HMRC has published the following guidance which provides instructions on how to declare a Customs Comprehensive Guarantee (CCG) exemption on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
A CCG Waiver can only be declared in the following circumstances:
Deferment Account Number (DAN) where no separate CCG is held (GB only)
Where guarantee requirements have been waived in GB following EU exit (GB only)
Goods below the statistical threshold (GB or NI)
Declarations made by public bodies/government agencies (GB or NI)
Fixed energy installations (GB or NI)
It should be noted that these details are only required where there are customs duties to pay or secure. In terms of CDS import declarations, this means the following tax type codes.
A00 Customs Duties
A20 Additional Duties
A30 Definitive Anti-Dumping Duties
A35 Provisional Anti-Dumping Duties
A40 Definitive Countervailing Duties
A45 Provisional Countervailing Duties
To pay or secure other taxes, such as VAT, a guarantee is not required.
Guarantee Requirement is Waived - Completion Instructions
Data Element 2/3 Documents
Document code C505
Document ID GBCGU guarantee not required
Document Reason Type of exemption being used
Status Code CC Deferment accounts where only a C1207 deferment guarantee is held
CC GB exemptions following EU Exit
XB Goods below the statistical threshold
XW Other government departments (OGDs) and Public Bodies
XW Fixed energy installations
XW Goods exempted under TA (article 81, Reg No. (EU) 2015/2446
Data Element 3/39 Authorisation Holder
GBCGU plus the EORI number of the person claiming the exemption
Data Element 8/2 Guarantee Type
Code 0 Deferment accounts where only a C1207 deferment guarantee is held
Code 0 GB exemptions following EU Exit
Code 5 Goods below the statistical threshold
Code 8 OGDs and Public Bodies
Code C Fixed energy installations
Code D Goods exempted under TA (article 81, Reg No. (EU) 2015/2446
Data Element 8/3 Guarantee Reference & Other Guarantee Reference
In the ‘Other Guarantee Reference’ Component, enter Guarantee not required
Leave the 'Guarantee Reference Number' component (GRN) blank
Data Element 3/16 - Importer or Data Element 3/18 - Declarant or Data Element 3/20 - Representative
The EORI number declared in either DE3/16, DE3/18 or DE3/20 must match the EORI number declared in DE 3/39.
How to declare a Customs Comprehensive Guarantee
HMRC has published the following guidance which provides instructions on how to declare a Customs Comprehensive Guarantee on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
Data Element 2/3 Documents
Document code C505
Document ID GBCGU followed by the CCG reference number
No status code or document reason is required
Data Element 3/39 Authorisation Holder
GBCGU plus the EORI number of the person who ‘owns’ the CCG authorisation number declared in DE2/3
Data Element 8/2 Guarantee Type
Code 1 Customs Comprehensive Guarantee (CCG)
Data Element 8/3 Guarantee Reference & Other Guarantee Reference
In the ‘Other Guarantee Reference’ Component, enter the actual reference number of the CCG
Leave the 'Guarantee Reference Number' component (GRN) blank
Data Element 3/16 - Importer or Data Element 3/18 - Declarant or Data Element 3/20 - Representative
The EORI number declared in either DE3/16, DE3/18 or DE3/20 must match the EORI number declared in DE 3/39 and must be the EORI number who ‘owns’ the CCG authorisation declared in DE 2/3
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