We held our focus on Risk Management throughout April, following the route through international trade, from the sales agreement looking at Incoterms®2020 and the risk they can pose, right through to MSS Reports and how these can be utilised to manage risk and check your data.
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S&H News: April another month of updates, which saw the team at S&H working hard to bring you the most up-to-date government guidance and information.
Government announces the cancellation of Border Control Changes
We completely understand how frustrating this news will be for many of our clients, this will also have had a financial impact on many who were already well underway with preparations for the changes due in July 2022.
Update to Government Guidance: Importing Organic Food
Importing organic food from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland to Great Britain.
Difficulty accessing import VAT Statements
Some importers have reported an inability to access their monthly import VAT statements , particularly for the March reporting period.
Risk and Incoterms
International Trade can be complex, Incoterms® 2020 are not a mandatory requirement to be included in a sales contract. If a rule is applied it is important that it is used correctly and both parties understand their obligations, costs and risks.
MSS Reports and Trade Compliance
The EORI is only the beginning of the compliance responsibilities for the trader. By subscribing to the MSS Report, this further check enables the owner of the EORI to confirm that their record of customs declarations matches the HMRC information.
Legal Definition Supplier Declarations
Supplier declarations and employing the EU UK TCA at the UK Border: Confirming preferential origin to support goods crossing the UK border may be no simple task, as it can involve the collation of substantial product origin data to evidence that preference may apply.
Importers’ knowledge
If an import declaration is made to Importers Knowledge and the evidence is not seen to have been in place at the point of import during HMRC audit, the liability for duty and any penalty will fall to the importer.
Beginners Guide to Exporting & Importing
Where to start? When world of International Trade is vast.... Our Beginner’s Guide is aimed at those new to the industry or those who haven't needed this knowledge prior to the UK exiting the EU.
Join Steve Berry on the 11th of May for this introduction to the world of export and import. No prior knowledge needed for this virtual learning course. The first stepping stone on our learning pathway, where will it take you? Register Here
Tariff Classification Explained - Technical Workshop
Improving your understanding of the Harmonised System (HS) will benefit you and your work in importing or exporting. There is only ever one correct tariff code for your goods, and it's important to know how to use the tariff correctly.
Join Calvin Sherratt on the 12th May as he guides you through this legal requirement. Register Here
AEO Practitioner Qualification Level 3
Covering both Customs Simplifications and Safety & Security, this IQ Level 3 Award takes you through the basics of the AEO requirements, as well as looking at what is required when completing sections 1-5 (Customs) and Section 6 (Safety & Security) of the UK Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). An important qualification for any company looking at becoming AEO, needing to establish AEO compliance or already approved, requiring a refresher. Completely updated to include the new UK Border requirements and Customs law (the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018).
2022 Training Program - Download
We have re-designed our training to deliver a learning program that is accessible for all levels. Our new interactive, trainer-led Virtual and Face-to-Face sessions enable the learner to choose their own individual learning pathway, developing their skills along the way and building on existing knowledge.
Contact us to develop your Learning Pathway
For in-house training or learning pathways tailored to your business please contact enquiries@strongandherd.co.uk
For Public Training please contact info@strongandherd.co.uk
With thanks to Gail Leeson & Steve Berry for this months TWTN
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