We know that HMRC is putting more responsibility on traders and expects greater awareness and compliance within companies. A company should be able to self-audit rather than await a visit from HMRC. Are you audit-ready?
We have also noticed a shift in the theme of questions appearing via our helpline, with queries surrounding FTA's and Origin featuring highly. Knowing where to access the relevant information is one of the first stumbling blocks we notice. Knowing how to navigate the many links and documents may seem like a minefield, but brushing up on these skills will stand you in good stead with HMRC when audit time rolls around.
For all the latest news & updates, check out our Industry Insights page and don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn!
S&H News: The team here are busy upskilling our qualifications and refreshing existing ones; why not join us and upskill in one area of international trade this spring?
Update from GOV.UK for: Notice to Exporters 2022/34: Open General Licences Revoked
Export Control Joint Unit has confirmed the relevant licences that Exporters should register for on SPIRE to replace the revoked licence(s).
HMRC permit Vietnam to continue to trade on GSP
Gov.UK guidance updated to permit Vietnam to continue to trade on GSP and UK-Vietnam FTA. In December 2020, the UK Implemented a new preferential trade agreement with Vietnam. The original guidance from HMRC stated that GSP will not apply to Vietnam from the 1st of January 2023; this has now been revised.
Notice to exporters 2022/23: Further sanctions against Russia, introduced in December 2022
Further UK Sanctions on Russia. Via a recent Notice to Exporter Update, the UK has implemented further restrictions on trade with Russia. This details additional prohibitions on export, supply and delivery, making available of additional products and brokering services.
Register Here for our Russian Sanctions Webinar on the 23rd of February @10am
Single Window – Early Success Indicators
In most countries, Single Window environments are implemented in programmes that are often between three and five years; it is surprisingly simple, at an early stage, to predict if the result will be impactful or not.
Single Trade Window - How are they funded?
There needs to be absolute clarity on what is wanted from the system and how it is to be funded. In relation to the latter, there is an assumption that there will be no user fees for transactions via the UK platform, but, as we know, assumptions can be dangerous.
Updates to Imports of High Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin - (EU) 2019/1793)
From 17th January 2023, new legislation comes into place which will change what NAO (Non-Animal Origin) and feed are classed as high risk and therefore require health checks when being imported into Great Britain.
How To Succeed in Exporting
A government report found that only nine per cent of UK SMEs export and that number may have fallen since Brexit; another piece indicates that Brexit has led to a third of all UK exporters to the EU giving up on exporting altogether.
Training - View our Upcoming Courses Here
Contact us today to develop your Learning Pathway:
For In-house training or Learning Pathways tailored to your business, please contact: enquiries@strongandherd.co.uk
For public training, please contact: info@strongandherd.co.uk
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