Throughout March we focused our attention on risk management, a theme we will be continuing with throughout April. March also saw us celebrate International Women’s Day, looking back on a time when women were banned from even taking up positions as customs and excise officers. Thankfully, the world of international trade has moved on since then!
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S&H News: March drew our attention to risk management; from knowing who your customer is to the risk posed through representation, and understanding your product with regard to licence requirements.
Customs Valuation - An Overview
Establishing the correct Customs Value is a legal requirement. The first rule is that, when there is a sale, you must always declare the Transaction Price.
What are Export Controls and why are they so important?
Export Control compliance demands that businesses act responsibly in terms of the goods they supply and the information they provide to overseas entities.Export Controls are not solely a UK consideration. They apply across world trade.
A Spotlight On: The Methods Of Valuation
Money makes the world go round but until customs know who is paying the Duty and VAT the recipient will not be able to take delivery of the goods. Essentially valuation is one of the cornerstones of International Trade and Customs Compliance.
2022 Training Program - Download
We have re-designed our training to deliver a learning program that is accessible for all levels. Our new interactive, trainer-led Virtual and Face-to-Face sessions enable the learner to choose their own individual learning pathway, developing their skills along the way and building on existing knowledge.
"Strong & Herd LLP strive to build a community of mutual respect internally and with our great clients and members of our business support communities. Making training fun, interactive and practical is important to us and this price increase enables us to continue with this high level of service.
We are focusing our time developing new learning pathways that will guide you through the complex world of international trade with modules & training courses to suit your specific company requirements and learning needs." Sandra Strong Managing Partner
AEO Practitioner Qualification Level 3
Covering both Customs Simplifications and Safety & Security this IQ Level 3 Award takes you through the basics of the AEO requirements as well as looking at what is required when completing sections 1-5 (Customs) and Section 6 (Safety & Security) of the UK Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), an import qualification for any company looking at becoming AEO, needing to establish AEO compliance or already approved, requiring a refresher. Completely updated for UCC changes and EU-Exit implications.
Software Showcase with AEB - From CHIEF to CDS: Customs Update and Software Demo- FREE EVENT
This free webinar is relevant for companies of all sizes and across industry sectors that trade across UK borders – whether you are looking to migrate from CHIEF to CDS, seek a new CDS solution, want to change your provider, or are just starting out to manage customs declarations.
With thanks to Gail Leeson , Andy Baker, Tim Hiscock & Steve Berry for this months TWTN
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