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S&H News: May saw S&H re-focus on CDS from a traders perspective. We have been busy developing new spotlights, clinics and articles aimed at traders to support them through the migration process.
Amending an Export Declaration
HMRC extends period allowed to amend export declarations.
New Bill to enable implementation of Australia and New Zealand Trade deals
The UK signed the Australia FTA in December last year and the New Zealand FTA in February. Both deals will deliver benefits to people, businesses and communities throughout the country and support the levelling up agenda.
UK targets Russian airlines with new sanctions
The UK Government has announced that will be introducing new sanctions against the Russian airline sector.
Negotiations begin on a new UK-Mexico Free Trade Agreement
UK KICKS OFF TALKS ON NEW, MODERN TRADE DEAL WITH MEXICO - The International Trade Secretary today [Friday 20 May] launches negotiations on a new UK-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (FTA) alongside her Mexican counterpart, Tatiana Clouthier, in London.
A Spotlight On: CDS Imports
The rules aren't changing - it's the method.... What you need to know to import from 1st October. Just the basics.
How to Complete Import Entries
This Virtual Learning interactive workshop focuses on the intricate details of how to complete import customs entries in the UK. A tricky area explained by an expert using customs entry software to create a relevant and interactive workshop. Delegates will come away knowing what is needed to complete import customs entries in the UK important whether you are an agent or importer. Join Andy Baker and Managing Partner, Sandra Strong on this training course Register Here
A Spotlight on Import Declarations in a CDS World Your introduction to Import Declarations in a CDS World. How traders will need to prepare in readiness for their first entry being submitted to CDS. Register Here
Returned Goods Relief The EU-UK TCA rules change on RGR with the EU from 1st July 2022. Have you used RGR within your business? If yes, do you know what needs to be evidenced for audit if RGR has been used? Register Here
2022 Training Program - Download
We have re-designed our training to deliver a learning program that is accessible for all levels. Our new interactive, trainer-led Virtual and Face-to-Face sessions enable the learner to choose their own individual learning pathway, developing their skills along the way and building on existing knowledge.
Contact us to develop your Learning Pathway
For in-house training or learning pathways tailored to your business please contact
For Public Training please contact
With thanks to Gail Leeson, Steve Berry and Andy Baker for this months TWTN
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Strong & Herd LLP