S&H News: 🔊 We extend a warm welcome to another new member of the Strong and Herd team. We are delighted to introduce Steve Shaw, who has joined us as Shipping and Customs Support. Steve will be a valuable addition to our shipping office team and collaborating with the rest of our talented staff.
HMRC recently communicated directly with those declarants who are yet to subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). The traders have been identified, as they are currently using CHIEF to make export declarations and are being advised that the last day for making them on CHIEF is 30th March 2024.
A Spotlight on: CDS Exports – Are you prepared?
On August 23rd, 2023, HMRC extended the deadline for all export declarations to be moved to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). The new deadline of 30th March 2024 incorporates a phased approach, which sees high-volume traders being migrated over to CDS for exports by November 30th, 2023.
Additional duties on goods originating in Russia and Belarus
The Department for Business and Trade has released revised guidance regarding import controls from Russia and Belarus, necessitating additional duties and exemption terms. This updated guidance, issued on November 13th, 2023, takes immediate effect, and additional products will be included in the scope, starting from December 4th, 2023.
Notice to Exporters – End User Advisory Service update
Notice to Exporters update 2023/21 was published on 16th November 2023. This communication provides an update on the SPIRE End User Advisory Service.
The UK and South Korea have launched negotiations on a modern Free Trade Agreement, focused on boosting trade between the two countries. The talks included an announcement of a record £21 Billion of Korean investment within the UK green energy and infrastructure projects across the UK, which will, in turn, be responsible for creating more than 1500 highly skilled jobs.
Duty suspensions aim to support the competitiveness of businesses in the UK within the global marketplace. This is achieved by temporarily suspending import duties on specific goods, typically those employed in domestic production.
Who Should Submit an Entry Summary Declaration
All imports into the United Kingdom must be notified in advance of Safety and Security information by the Carrier. Currently, this does not include imports from the European Union and its Special Territories, or from the EFTA countries. However, the Safety and Security information will be required starting October 31st, 2024.
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