The HMRC guidance can be accessed here:
Amend or cancel a Customs Declaration Service import declaration - GOV.UK (
Here is our take on the guidance....
Declarants can use their CDS software to submit amendments to import declarations, but only under certain circumstances.
When an import customs declaration is accepted by CDS, and there is revenue due to HM Revenue & Customs, the system generates a tax calculation message (DMSTAX) detailing the “indictive customs debt”.
At this stage, the declaration has been validated and accepted by the system, but it has not yet been cleared.
The term “indicative” means that the tax revenue details could change.
The messages and notifications received after making a successful amendment will depend on the type of declaration being amended.
Indicative Customs Debt
If you have received the indicative tax calculation message but have not yet received the final tax calculation message, then you can amend the customs declaration.
This “indicative customs debt” will eventually change to a “final customs debt” upon customs clearance. When this happens, the system will generate a new tax calculation message (DMSTAX) detailing the “final customs debt”.
Final Customs Debt
Once you have received this final tax calculation message, you cannot amend the customs declaration.
However, there are a couple of circumstances where a tax calculation message showing an “indicative customs” debt cannot be amended:
After you receive the final tax calculation message or if any of the above scenarios apply, you cannot amend your declaration.
Dwell Time
For “arrived” declarations (IMA), the final tax calculation message (DMSTAX) is usually received ten minutes after the declaration has received an acceptance message (DMSACC). It is usually accompanied by the cleared message (DMSCLE).
For “pre-lodged” declarations (IMD), the final tax calculation message will not be received until the declaration has been “arrived” on CDS and a cleared message (DMSCLE) has been received.
Remember: Once the final tax calculation message has been received, you can no longer amend the import declaration. You will need to apply for a:
Cancellation in the Customs Declaration Service is referred to as ‘invalidation’.
An invalidation request can be made up until the declaration is cleared.
If the declaration has not yet arrived, the invalidation will be automatically accepted.
If the declaration has arrived and is under control (route 1 and route 2), the Customs authority (HMRC, UK Border Force or Trading Standards) will decide if the invalidation request should be accepted.
If the declaration is subject to a rejected amendment, it cannot be invalidated until the rejection has been resolved.
Once a declaration is cleared, it cannot be cancelled. You will need to apply for either a:
· voluntary clearance amendment (underpayment) (C2001)
· repayment of import duty and VAT if you’ve overpaid (C285)
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