Any declarations that are submitted during this timeframe will be processed at the end of the downtime. This means that any declarations that are submitted during the Maintenance timeframe will not be cleared until the Customs declaration service is returned to normal service.
It is recommended where possible, to either ensure consignments or entries are delayed until this maintenance period has been completed to avoid any delays to your consignments.
The Goods Movement Reference (GMR) will also be affected with these changes so where possible it is recommended to add any declarations to the GVMS system before or after the maintenance period. Further guidance on GVMS during this downtime can be found here : Goods Vehicle Movement Service: service availability and issues - GOV.UK (
CDS update 4.0.0 is the latest update following on from update 3.9.0 which took place on the 14th January 2023.
The full Data element changes for the 4.0.0 release can be found here:
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