Businesses that no longer require their XI EORI Number have received instructions stating that their response is unnecessary, as their XI EORI Number will be rendered invalid within a span of six weeks.
HMRC will reach out to businesses who have confirmed their Permanent Business Establishment (PBE) or met the specified criteria through the online form, notifying them that further information might be necessary to reach an outcome.
In the reminder letter, HMRC gives businesses until the 30th of June to use the online form, an extension of the original timetable allowing businesses a more extended period to respond.
After the 30th of June, HMRC will assume that businesses that have yet to respond do not need an XI EORI and will have it removed.
When an XI EORI number can be retained
Proof of a permanent address in Northern Ireland allows businesses to retain an XI EORI Number.
An XI EORI Number can be retained even without a Permanent Business Establishment (PBE) if necessary for any of the following authorised customs activities.
Example Customs Import and Export Declarations
For businesses that have had their XI EORI number removed, the following conditions are applicable:
For businesses who have retained their XI EORI number due to PBE, the following conditions are applicable:
For businesses who have retained their XI EROI number due to other permitted conditions (not established), the following conditions are applicable:
Safety & Security for Carriers and Hauliers
Lodging Safety & Security Declarations (ENS) or acting as a carrier or haulier is a permitted reason to retain an XI EORI where a business is not established in Northern Ireland. HMRC is aware that not all carriers and hauliers will have responded via the online form, and to ensure a smooth running of trade will use data from TSS or other data to leave XI EORIs in place for those identified.
Those not identified through the online form or external data will have their XI EORI number removed.
Those carriers and hauliers identified in the above process will automatically update their XI EORI to show them as “not established” by HMRC. If carriers or hauliers have a permanent establishment in NI, they must use the online form to inform HMRC.
Guidance for Carriers and Hauliers
Carriers and Hauliers can retain their XI EORI number as the activity of the carrier is one of the permitted activities; they must check that the consignee/consignor holds a valid XI EORI Number and must use the name and address of the consignee/consignor if they do not.
Consignees and Consignors can retain their XI EORI number if they are lodging Safety and Security declarations, require it for any of the other permitted reasons, or have a permanent business establishment in NI. They are responsible for informing carriers if they have had their XI EORI removed.
HMRC calls for businesses to act now to ensure the trade flow continues without disruption. Additionally, TSS will be undertaking a campaign to contact consignees/consignors to ensure they respond to HMRC where necessary. HMRC want to minimise the risk of any trade disruption and encourage affected businesses to act before the 30th of June.
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