The BTOM will support the UK Government policy towards the implementation of transformational technical change, to be implemented through the Single Trade Window, a policy first set out in the 2025 UK Border Strategy document, published in December 2020.
2025 UK Border Strategy – HM Government, December 2020 (
The government has taken some care to both involve and engage with UK traders and stakeholders before publishing the document.
Stakeholder feedback has been instrumental in the construction of policy.
One of the main feedback topics taken from traders’ EU Exit experience, is the importance of supply chain preparation.
EU suppliers will need time to adapt to any changes to UK border controls, and UK businesses with EU supply routes will need to give thought to any element of change for their suppliers.
Sanitary and phytosanitary goods suppliers will be heavily impacted as controls are implemented, and sound preparation will be vital to success.
The new border strategy is based on three key elements that aim to balance an increase in facilitation against risk and threat:
The Single Trade Window project is under development and is supported by legislation published in The Single Trade Window (Preparation) Regulations 2023, a Statutory Instrument laid in May this year.
A project aim is to identify and introduce simplifications to support cross-border movements going forward, and includes sub-projects working on digitalisation and cross-government departmental data sharing.
The intention is to introduce a one-stop-shop, where a trusted trader would be able to submit data once only, to support the cross-border transaction, rather than needing to apply multiple measures, often duplicating the submission of data to support the movement.
The Single Trade Window is scheduled for phased implementation commencing in 2025.
Timescales and Dates for the Diary:
The implementation of the BTOM will fall into three specific stages. The intention is that the published detail as to what exactly will be implemented and when, should allow both UK and EU businesses to plan in good time.
January 31st 2024 – The introduction of health certification on imports of medium-risk animal products, plants, plant products, and high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU.
The removal of pre-notification requirements for low-risk plant and plant products from the EU.
April 30th 2024 - The introduction of documentary and risk-based identity and physical checks on medium-risk animal products, plants, plant products, and high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU.
Existing inspections of high-risk plants and plant products from the EU will move from the delivery destination to Border Control Posts.
There are also planned simplifications to imports from non-EU countries. These will include:
October 31st 2024 - The requirement for Safety and Security declarations for imports into Great Britain from the EU or from other territories where the present waiver applies will come into force from this date. This is as set out in the original Target Operating Model.
This will be accompanied by the introduction of a reduced dataset for imports.
Use of the UK Single Trade Window will remove duplication, where possible, across different pre-arrival datasets, or, for example, pre-lodged Customs declarations.
The government intends to support both UK businesses and their EU suppliers in managing the anticipated changes in good time, by giving clear dates of implementation of changes to border measures. The government urges businesses in the UK and EU to prepare in advance.
Updates to the Border Target Operating Model document will be issued on the website, through the publication of Annexes to the document, rather than publishing iterations and revisions, which can cause confusion.
The published document can be found at the link below
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