The Customs Declaration Service - CDS 4.4 Changes


Bernard O'Connor
25 March 2024


HMRC released CDS version 4.4 on 23 March 2024. This latest version will have an impact on traders and declarants who import goods into Northern Ireland, as the CDS has been updated to take account of the United Kingdom Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) authorisation.

The latest release will also affect traders who use Authorisation by Declaration for the following Special Procedures:

Inward Processing

Temporary Admission

Authorised Use / End Use

Outward Processing

There are also changes to

Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA)

ATA Carnets

Export Procedure 2200

Export Procedure 1007

Northern Ireland Exports

Merchandise in Baggage

Valuation Method 1

Supervising Office

Waiver Document Status Codes

C21 declarations

Finally, there are several minor changes to the Customs Declaration Service in Release 4.4 which will have a limited impact on traders.

The latest information can be found in the Tariff completion rules at and is reproduced here.

NIPRO New AI Statement Code NIPRO is used to declare goods imported into NI that will be subject to processing where the additional processing criteria are not met. Please see document CDS 4.4 Changes - Imports into Northern Ireland.
NIQUO New AI Statement Code to validate UKIMS in Northern Ireland NIQUO is used to declare applicable goods subject to Tariff Quotas into Northern Ireland without being subject to safeguard charges where relevant quotas are open. For GB-NI movements, NIDOM must also be input.
New Document Code 1UKI This Document Code validates AI Code NIREM input in DE 2/2 If it is missing, NIREM will have no affect and CDS will calculate taxes UKIMS – UK Internal Market Scheme. Authorisation for the declaration of goods as 'Not at Risk' of entering the EU under the UK Internal Market Scheme. Provide the authorisation decision number for the UKIM authorisation which will be in the format: • 2-digit code identifying the country of authorisation: enter XI. • 4-digit code indicating that a UKIMS authorisation is held: enter UKIM. • followed by the authorisation reference number. Please see document CDS 4.4 Changes - Imports into Northern Ireland.
UKIM New Authorisation Type Code UK Internal Market Scheme Authorisation which replaces code UKTS. Authorisation code UKTS can no longer be used.
ABDIN New AI Statement Code for Authorisation by Declaration (ABD) For use when entering goods into, or removing goods from, a Special Procedure using Authorisation by Customs Declaration (ABD). Enter ‘Simplified authorisation.’ Please see document CDS 4.4 Changes - Authorisation by Declaration. Note: AI code 00100 must also be declared when placing goods into a Special procedure using Authorisation by Customs Declaration
ABDOU New AI Statement Code for Authorisation by Declaration (ABD) For use when entering goods into, or removing goods from, a Special Procedure using Authorisation by Customs Declaration (ABD). Enter ‘Discharge of Simplified Authorisation.’ Please see document CDS 4.4 Changes - Authorisation by Declaration. Note: AI code 00100 must also be declared when placing goods into a Special procedure using Authorisation by Customs Declaration
POSTPONED VAT ACCOUNTING Used in DE 2/2 in combination with OVR01 when a manual duty calculation is being performed and postponed VAT accounting (PVA) is being used to account for VAT.
NEATA New AI Statement Code For use on Import and Export declarations where a non-EU-issued ATA Carnet is being used.
OPVAT Use of AI Statement Code OPVAT on Export Declarations AI statement code OPVAT is now available to use with requested procedure code 22. AI statement code OPVAT will only be allowable with APCs B53 and B54. and is mandatory with APC B54. KD52 is now resolved and C019 is no longer required in DE 2/3 as a workaround.
Exports From Excise Warehouses When goods are exported from an excise warehouse using Procedure Code 1007 then document code C651 (or C658 in the case of EMCS fallback) must be declared in DE 2/3 unless a CSE authorisation is held. If a CSE authorisation is held and declared in DE 2/3 and 3/39, then document codes C651 or C658 are not required.
Restriction of Indirect Exports to NI Declarations When making an indirect export declaration using additional declaration type A, B, C, D, E, or F, AI statement code NIEXP must be declared in DE 2/2. Only Exports from Northern Ireland can be indirectly exported out of the EU. When using additional declaration types C or F for an indirect export out of NI, commodity code details must be supplied in in DE 6/14. Failure to correctly declare AI statement code NIEXP or a commodity code (where required) will result in the declaration being rejected.
Additional Information Statement Codes for Merchandise in Baggage (MIB) Movements When moving goods using Merchandise in Baggage, AI Statement Codes should be declared in DE 2/2 as follows: • Imports: MIB01 • GB-RoW Exports: MIB02 • NI-RoW Exports: MIB01 and NIEXP MIB01 must not be declared on GB-RoW. If MIB01 is input on a GB-RoW Export, the declaration will be rejected.
Valuation Method 1 When valuation method 1 is declared in DE 4/16 on an import declaration using the H1 or H5 category, DE 4/13 must be completed with 0000. If any other value is entered in DE 4/13 then this will cause the declaration to be rejected.
DE 5/27 Supervising Office Required on B2 Declarations When submitting a declaration using the B2 declaration category and document code C019 is declared in DE 2/3, then Supervising Office details must be provided in DE 5/27
Document ID no Longer Required When a Waiver Status Code is Declared When declaring a document code in DE 2/3 and using one of these document status codes XA, XB, XF, XU, or XW, the document ID field can be left blank. The exception to this is when making a declaration using ABD and declaring status code XW with document codes C019, C516, C601, or N990 in DE 2/3. In these cases, a document ID is required or the declaration will be rejected.
Correct Authorisation with C21e EIDR Notification of Presentation (NOP) When making a C21e EIDR NOP Customs Clearance Request (CCR) using Requested Procedure Code 10, one of the following combinations must be entered: • DE 2/2: C514 followed by the authorisation number, and DE 3/39: authorisation type EIR followed by the EORI of the authorisation holder • DE 2/2: C676 followed by the authorisation number, and DE 3/39: authorisation type MOU followed by the EORI of the authorisation holder When requested procedure code 10 is declared in DE 1/10 on a C21e EIDR NOP Customs Clearance Request, either authorisation code 'EIR' or 'MOU' must be declared in DE 3/39.
Additional Procedure Code 72M When making a Customs Clearance Request using the C21i or C21e declaration categories, and APC 72M is declared, AI statement code MOVE3 must be declared in DE 2/2 as per the Declaration Completion Instructions.
Additional Procedure Code 73N When making an EIDR NOP using declaration categories C21i EIDR NOP or C21e EIDR NOP and APC 73N in DE 1/11 the EIDR authorisation number must be declared using document code C514 in DE 2/3.
Authorised MOU Traders Using Document Code C514 When an authorised MOU trader declares document code C514 in DE 2/2 on a C21e EIDR NOP then one Additional Procedure Code from this list must also be present: 16M 73N, or 80I
Additional Procedure Code 80I (Authorised MOU Traders Only) When an authorised MOU trader is making a C21i or C21e CCR using APC 80I, AI statement code MOVE4 must be declared in DE 2/2
Authorisation Type CGU extended to C21e declaration category When declaring guarantee type 0 or 1 in DE 8/2 on a C21e CCR, the following should be declared: • DE 2/3: document code C505 declared with the CGU authorisation number (or guaranteenotrequired if exemption is being claimed) • DE3/39: authorisation code CGU with the EORI of the authorisation holder or party claiming the exemption for guarantee type 0
Removal of Invalid Excise Tax Types Excise tax types 332 and 342 are not in the CDS code list and cannot be declared in DE 4/3. Subsequently additional codes X332 and X342 cannot be declared in DE 6/17. If these any of these codes are used, the declaration will be rejected.
Removal of Invalid Procedure Code and Additional Procedure Code Combinations from CDS Some invalid Procedure Code/Additional Procedure Code combinations have been removed from CDS. Declaring an invalid PC/APC combination in DEs 1/10 and 1/11 will cause a declaration to be rejected. Please ensure only valid PC/APC combinations are declared. These can be found in the correlation matrices for each movement type.
New Document Codes Added Several new document codes have been added to the CDS code list.
New Goods Location Codes (GLCs) Added to CDS code list Several new GLCs have been added to the CDS code lists. These codes are available in Appendix 16 ASAP after Release 4.4.0 has gone live.
Unable to Declare MUCR on an Import Supplementary Declaration To prevent mismatches with inventory systems, previous document code ‘MCR’ cannot be declared in DE 2/1 on an import supplementary declaration.
No Special Characters Allowed for Commodity Details When making an Import/Export declaration, only alphanumeric characters can be declared in the following Data Elements DE 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16 and 6/17. The use of any other special characters will not be accepted by CDS.
DE 8/6 Statistical Value The value entered in DE 8/6 Statistical value must always be in GBP. Non-GBP values entered in DE 8/6 will cause the declaration to be rejected.
Goods Imported into TA with Partial Relief Using APC D51 Require Manual Duty Calculation When importing goods using Temporary Admission procedures with partial customs duty relief (declaration Category H3 and Additional Procedure Code D51) the duty to be paid must be manually calculated: • Additional Information Code OVR01 must be declared in DE 2/2 followed by a free text statement providing the justification for its use (for example, ‘TA with partial duty relief’) • DEs 4/3 – 4/8 must be completed for all tax lines in line with the guidance in the Declaration Completion Instructions for those DEs.
Additional Procedure Code 1SV Additional Procedure Code (APC) 1SV cannot be used for UK domestic goods being moved into NI. Declaring AI statement code ‘NIDOM’ in DE 2/2 where 1SV is declared in DE 1/11 will cause the declaration to be rejected.

CDS 4.4 Changes - Imports into Northern Ireland (NI)

Import Declaration Completion Instructions have been updated with information regarding the declaration of a United Kingdom Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) authorisation.

Data Element 3/15 has been updated with information relating to the circumstances where a GB EORI can be declared in DE 3/16 and the importers name and address is required in DE 3/15.

Data Elements 3/16 and 3/39 have been updated with information relating to United Kingdom Internal Markets Scheme authorisations.

Data Element 8/1 has been updated to reflect latest changes for claiming Tariff Quotas on imports into Northern Ireland.


Data Element 2/2 has been updated to include new guidance for goods moving into Northern Ireland.

The updated completion rules can be found through the links here.

The changes to the completion rules for Northern Ireland affect:

DE 3/15    Importer name and address

DE 3/16    Importer identification number

DE 3/39    Holder of the authorisation identification number

DE 8/1       Tariff Quota - holder of the authorisation identification number

DE 2/2       Additional Information (AI) Codes

The declaration completion rules for Northern Ireland for these Data Elements are reproduced below.

Please always refer to the Tariff Completion Rules for the most up to date version.


 If a recognised EORI is held it must be declared in DE 3/16 (Importer Identification Number).

DE 3/15 is mandatory where: 

  • A GB EORI is declared in DE 3/16 or 
  • DE 3/16 is left blank 

DE 3/15 must be left blank where an XI EORI is declared in DE 3/16.


If a recognised EORI is held it must be declared in DE 3/16 (Importer Identification Number).

DE 3/15 must be left blank where an XI EORI is declared in DE 3/16. 

DE 3/15 is mandatory where: 

  • A GB EORI is declared in DE 3/16 or 
  • DE 3/16 is left blank

A GB EORI is permitted in DE 3/16 where the importer is: 

  • Diverting goods to free circulation and/or home use that were previously entered to a special procedure prior to the introduction of XI EORIs 
  • Utilising certain transit and special procedures authorisations where a specific legal exemption under Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Act (TCTA) 2018 or Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013 (Article 170) and/or Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2446 (Articles 5 and 6) applies 
  • Entering goods using excise authorisations and approvals 
  • Submitting a supplementary declaration for which the tax point is prior to the introduction of XI EORIs 
  • Using indirect representation by a representative with an XI EORI who is established in Northern Ireland (NI) 
  • The UKIMS authorisation holder and the authorisation has been issued against a GB EORI

In no other circumstances may a GB EORI be declared in DE 3/16 for imports to NI.

When a UKIMS authorisation is used, the following details must be declared:

  • DE 2/3: document code ‘1UKI’ followed by the UKIMS authorisation decision number
  • DE 3/16: GB or XI EORI associated with the UKIMS authorisation
  • DE 3/39: Authorisation type ‘UKIM’ followed by the GB or XI EORI of the UKIMS authorisation holder as declared in DE 3/16


   With the exception of:  

  • Diverting goods to free circulation and/or home use that were previously entered to a special procedure prior to the introduction of XI EORIs
  • Certain transit and special procedures authorisations where a specific legal exemption under Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Act (TCTA) 2018 or Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013 (Article 170) and/or Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2446 (Articles 5 and 6) applies
  • Excise authorisations and approvals
  • Supplementary declarations for which the tax point is prior to the introduction of XI EORIs
  • The UKIMS authorisation holder and the authorisation has been issued against a GB EORI

Any other authorisations and approvals declared must be NI specific and the EORI number of the Holder of the Authorisation must have an ‘XI’ country code prefix.

When a UKIMS authorisation is used, the following details must be declared:

  • DE 2/3: document code ‘1UKI’ followed by the UKIMS authorisation decision number
  • DE 3/16: GB or XI EORI associated with the UKIMS authorisation
  • DE 3/39: Authorisation type ‘UKIM’ followed by the GB or XI EORI of the UKIMS authorisation holder as declared in DE 3/16

The GB or XI EORI declared against the UKIMS authorisation type in DE 3/39, and the UKIMS authorisation, must be valid at the tax point date of the declaration.


Movements from RoW into NI can claim a UK quota where there is both UK and EU quota capacity (for the relevant country of origin).

The quota can only be claimed with Additional Declaration Types A, D, Y, or Z in DE 1/2 and must include Additional Information (AI) codes NIIMP and NIQUO in DE 2/2. Any other Additional Declaration Type will result in the declaration being rejected.

DE 8/1 must be completed with the GB quota order number.

Movements from GB into NI can count towards EU-UK quotas where EU trade defence measures are in place (for example, movements of steel that would otherwise attract additional duties)

In these cases, DE 2/2 must contain NIDOM and NIQUO, and the free text field must be completed with the relevant EU quota order number and the word ‘QUOTA’.

DE 8/1 must not be completed with a quota order number for GB-NI movements or the declaration will be rejected.



One of the following AI Codes must be entered in DE 2/2 in all instances on every goods item when goods are being declared on entry to NI.

The table below specifies which documentary controls will be applied to the goods according to which AI Code used to identify the goods status.

NIDOM Goods have United Kingdom (UK) domestic status (for example goods are in free circulation and home use in GB). Only European Union (EU) control measures will be applied.
NIIMP Goods do not have UK domestic status (for example, the goods are moving under duty suspense arrangements, or the goods are Rest of World (RoW) imports). Both UK and EU control measures will be applied.

Note: Failure to declare either NIDOM or NIIMP on every goods item will result in the declaration being rejected.


One of the following AI Codes may be entered, as required, in DE 2/2 on each goods item when goods are being declared on entry to NI.

The next table specifies whether the goods will be considered to be ‘At Risk’ or ‘Not At Risk’ of entering the EU according to which AI Code used to identify the goods status.

AI Code ‘At Risk’/’Not At Risk’ status
NIAID Claim to waive duties calculated at the applicable EU rate of duty for goods imported into NI from GB or the difference between duties calculated at the applicable EU and UK rates where duties calculated at the EU rate are higher for goods imported into NI from RoW.
NIPRO Goods imported into NI that will be subject to processing where the additional processing criteria are not met. Goods will be treated as ‘At Risk’ Check the requirements for goods subject to processing
NIQUO Used to declare applicable goods subject to Tariff Rate Quotas into Northern Ireland without being subject to safeguard charges where relevant quotas are open: • a UK Quota to be claimed on goods imported into NI from RoW where they would otherwise be classed as ‘At Risk.’ Where DE 2/2 includes ‘NIIMP’ and ‘NIQUO’, DE 8/1 must be completed with the UK Quota Order Number. In addition, the relevant EU quota order number and the word QUOTA must be entered in the free text box for DE 2/2. • for GB-NI movements where EU trade defence measures are in place and a manual workaround is needed to claim the correct quota (for example, movements of steel that would attract additional duties). Where DE 2/2 includes ‘NIDOM’ with ‘NIQUO’, DE 8/1 must be left blank. In addition, the relevant EU quota order number and the word QUOTA must be entered in the free text box for DE 2/2.
NIREM Used to indicate goods are remaining in NI (and Great Britain in the case of GB-NI movements) and are when a valid UKIMS authorisation is declared with document code 1UKI in DE 2/3. If the goods are subject to commercial processing in NI, the additional processing criteria must be met in order to declare NIREM. If no UKIMS authorisation is declared, NIREM will not have an effect, and a CDS calculation to determine the correct duties (if any) to pay will be performed.

Failure to declare either NIREM or NIQUO against a goods item will subject the goods item to a CDS calculation to determine the correct duties to pay (if any). This will result in the goods being considered ‘At Risk’ where the applicable duty calculated according to the NI Tariff (‘applicable EU rate of duty’) is greater than the applicable duty calculated according to the GB Tariff (‘applicable UK rate of duty’).

Determining the ‘At Risk’ or ‘Not At Risk’ status

Goods are considered to be ‘At Risk’ where there may be duty to be charged according to the Northern Ireland Online Tariff. CDS will check both the GB and NI Tariffs to determine the correct duty rate.

AI Code NIREM can be used to indicate that goods are ‘Not At Risk’ when a UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) authorisation is held and declared in DE 2/3.

When a UKIMS authorisation is used, the following details must be declared:

  • DE 2/3: document code ‘1UKI’ followed by the UKIMS authorisation decision number
  • DE 3/16: GB or XI EORI associated with the UKIMS authorisation
  • DE 3/39: Authorisation type ‘UKIM’ followed by the GB or XI EORI of the UKIMS authorisation holder as declared in DE 3/16

If one of NIPRO, NIQUO, or NIREM is not declared in DE 2/2, CDS will determine ‘At Risk’/’Not At Risk’ status by checking both the GB and NI Tariffs to determine the correct duty rate.

In this calculation, goods will be considered ‘Not At Risk’ where:

  • The applicable EU rate of duty is zero, in the case of movements from GB to NI, or
  • The applicable UK rate of duty is equal to or more than the applicable EU duty, in the case of movements into NI from a country outside both the UK and the EU.

NIREM cannot be used to declare goods ‘Not At Risk’ if the goods will be subject to processing in NI, unless the goods meet the additional processing requirements covered in the notices section. NIPRO should be declared for goods subject to processing in NI that do not meet the additional criteria.

Duty rates applied to the goods

The table below specifies which duty calculation will be applied to the goods according to the AI Codes entered in DE 2/2 to identify the UK domestic and ‘At Risk’ status. This does not remove the need to declare either NIDOM or NIIMP to establish the control measures to be applied to the goods item.

AI Code Duty Calculation
NIDOM and NIREM (where a valid UKIMS authorisation is declared) No duty calculated
NIDOM and NIREM (where a valid UKIMS authorisation is not declared) CDS will calculate the duties due under both the GB and NI tariff and will charge the NI rate if this is higher. If the UK rate is higher, no duty will be charged. If an EU trade defence measure applies to the goods, the NI duty rate will always be charged.
NIIMP and NIREM Duty will be calculated based on the greater of the UK or EU duty rates as per the EU Joint Committee Decision (EU) No. 1/2023
NIDOM with NIPRO Duty calculated based on EU duty rates
NIIMP with NIPRO Duty calculated based on EU duty rates
NIDOM with NIQUO No duty calculated.
NIIMP with NIQUO Additional Declaration Types (DE 1/2) A, D, Y, or Z: Duty calculated based on UK rates. DE 8/1 must also be completed. Other Additional Declaration Types: Declaration will be rejected
NIDOM only Duty calculated based on EU rates
NIIMP only Duty will be calculated based on the greater of the UK or EU duty rates as per the EU Joint Committee Decision (EU) No. 1/2023

Any combination of AI Codes NIDOM, NIIIMP, NIPRO, NIQUO, and NIREM not listed in the table above will result in the declaration being rejected.

AI Code NIAID will not affect the ‘At Risk’/’Not At Risk’ status or duty calculation. It is only used to determine a claim to a customs duty waiver (subsidy), where applicable. NIAID can be combined with NIREM if you are declaring goods ‘not at risk’ under UKIMS that are moving into Northern Ireland from a country outside of both the UK and the EU (rest of world), where you are not sure that the difference between the applicable EU rate of duty and UK rate of duty is not greater than 3 percentage points at the time of the goods movement.

Claiming customs duty waivers (subsidies)

To make a claim to subsidy, AI Code NIAID must be declared in DE 2/2, with either AI Code NIDOM or NIIMP. The claim to subsidy will be assessed based on the ‘At Risk’/’Not At Risk’ treatment as specified in the table below:

For details of how the ‘At Risk’/’Not At Risk’ status is determined, please refer to Determining the ‘At Risk’ or ‘Not At Risk’ status.

Notice Declaring goods you bring into NI ‘Not At Risk’ of moving to the EU

Authorisation By Customs Declaration (ABD) Changes

Two new Additional Information (AI) codes are being introduced which distinguish between goods being placed into a Special Procedure using ABD and those being removed from Special Procedure which they entered using ABD.

The new AI codes which can be declared in DE 2/2 after the release are

  • ABDIN – this code is used to indicate that the request for ABD applies to the requested procedure code.
  • AI code 00100 must be declared in addition to ABDIN
  • ABDOU – this code is used to indicate that the goods are being removed from a procedure which they entered using ABD.
  • AI code 00100 must be declared in addition to ABDOU

Once these changes are implemented, the ABD workaround will no longer be required in most instances.

In the case of Authorised-Use/End-Use, the current workaround must still be applied in addition to use of ABDIN/ABDOU.

Tariff functionality will reject a declaration using an Authorised-Use/End-Use commodity code if the document code N990 for a full authorisation is not declared.

Changes by Special Procedure

Inward Processing

  • If ABD applies to the requested procedure code 51, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDIN and 00100
  • If ABD applies to the previous procedure 51, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDOU and 00100
  • DE 2/3 Document code C601 will not be required for the IP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 3/39 Authorisation Type code IPO will not be required for the IP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 2/3 Document code C505, DE 3/39 code CGU and the associated codes in DE 8/2 Guarantee Type and Guarantee Reference will not be required for ABD purposes unless providing a security deposit from a deferment account. They may still be required for other purposes.
  • An approved security Method of Payment code must be provided in DE 4/8 and any associated codes provided, including in DE 8/2 and DE 8/3

Temporary Admission

  • If ABD applies to the requested procedure code 53, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDIN and 00100
  • If ABD applies to the previous procedure code 53, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDOU and 00100
  • DE 2/3 Document code C516 will not be required for the TA authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 3/39 Authorisation Type code TEA will not be required for the TA authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 2/3 Document code C505, DE 3/39 code CGU and the associated codes in DE 8/2 Guarantee Type and Guarantee Reference will not be required for ABD purposes unless providing a security deposit from a deferment account. They may still be required for other purposes.
  • If security is required, then an approved security Method of Payment code must be provided in DE 4/8 and any associated codes provided, including in DE 8/2 and DE 8/3

Authorised-Use (known as End-Use in Northern Ireland)

  • If ABD applies to the requested procedure code 44, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDIN and 00100
  • If ABD applies to the previous procedure code 44, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDOU and 00100
  • DE 2/3 Document code N990 will still be required with document status code XW, in addition to ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 3/39 Authorisation Type code EUS will still be required with AI code ABDIN or ABDOU and should be completed with the EORI of the party which is requesting ABD or requested ABD at the time the goods originally entered Authorised-Use.
  • DE 2/3 Document code C505, DE 3/39 code CGU and the associated codes in DE 8/2 Guarantee Type and Guarantee Reference will still be required for ABD purposes even if a security deposit is not being provided from a deferment account. They may still be required for other purposes.
  • If deferment is not being used to provide security for ABD, then an approved security Method of Payment code must be provided in DE 4/8 and any associated codes provided, including in DE 8/2 and DE 8/3

Outward Processing using code 21 as the requested or previous procedure code

  • If ABD applies to the requested procedure code 21, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDIN and 00100
  • If ABD applies to the previous procedure code 21, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDOU and 00100
  • DE 2/3 Document code C019 will not be required for the OP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 3/39 Authorisation Type code OPO will not be required for the OP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU

Outward Processing using code 22 as the requested or previous procedure code

  • If ABD applies to the requested procedure code 22, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDIN and 00100
  • If ABD applies to the previous procedure code 22, then DE 2/2 must include AI codes ABDOU and 00100
  • DE 2/3 Document code C019 will not be required for the OP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • DE 3/39 Authorisation Type code OPO will not be required for the OP authorisation covered by the AI code ABDIN or ABDOU
  • For VAT only OP, it will not be necessary to declare either the full authorisation details or the ABD details.
  • Any export declaration with requested procedure code 22 which does not include DE 2/3 Document Code C019 (full OP authorisation held), must have either DE 2/2 Additional Information code OPVAT (VAT only OP) or DE 2/2 Additional Information codes ABDIN & 00100 (OP using ABD).
  • Any import declaration with previous procedure code 22 which does not include DE 2/3 Document Code C019 (full OP authorisation held), must have either DE 1/11 Additional Procedure Code B06 (re-import after VAT only OP) or DE 2/2 Additional Information codes ABDOU & 00100 (discharge of OP using ABD).

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