Under the Windsor Framework on 30 September 2023, the UK Internal Market Scheme will replace the existing UK Trader Scheme, granting authorised traders the ability to declare goods as not at risk when moving from Great Britain (GB) to Northern Ireland (NI).
The UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation will also give traders access to the green lane when it opens in September 2024 for goods moving from Great Britain into Northern Ireland. Goods moving through the green lane will:
Starting from 30 September 2024, businesses will benefit from reduced requirements as part of ongoing efforts to facilitate their preparation for the upcoming set of changes. To provide comprehensive guidance, further information is now available to outline the procedures for streamlined movements in the designated "green lane" once the complete set of easements is implemented in September 2024.
If you are already authorised under the UK Trader Scheme
Current UKTS arrangements for moving goods GB-NI will remain in place. HMRC will directly contact existing UKTS users to transfer their authorisation to the UK Internal Market Scheme.
For goods moving before 30 September 2023, you can continue to use the UK Trader Scheme authorisation to declare your goods ‘not at risk’.
For goods moving on or after 30 September 2023, the UK Trader Scheme authorisation will no longer be valid, and you must use the UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation.
You can apply for the UK Internal Market Scheme using this link.
If you need more information or support completing your UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation, you can register with the Trader Support Service to help you with this process. The Trader Support Service will also guide you through any changes from implementing the Windsor Framework.
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